Sunday, January 30, 2011

10 July 1934

 I apologize for the years that it has been since I last wrote to you, my faithful followers. After meeting the mafia in Italy, I meant to leave as soon as possible; I just didn’t feel comfortable. But then, Toothless Tony asked me if I perhaps wanted to join him for pizza. I agreed, and we are now happily married. At first I felt guilty that I spent the rest of Auntie Mabel’s money on my wedding to one of the most infamous gangsters in Naples, but then I remembered that she worked with Al Capone, and didn’t feel so bad. And I did wear her pearls on the day.

Long story short, Tony and I spent some time living in Italy together. We didn’t have enough money to honeymoon, and spent a while working together underground to provide ourselves with funds enough for one. So, last week we embarked to Nazi Germany for our long awaited, much deserved retreat!

It has been a few years since I was last in Germany, and in those days they called it the Weimar Republic. Things are much different now. Tony and I didn’t pick a very good time to come here! The other night Tony went to visit his brother, who was renting a room in the house of a member of the Sturmabteilung . . . Poor Tony, when he got there he found both the tenant and his brother lying assassinated on the floor. If he had gotten there an hour earlier, he could have been lying there with them! It was just a nightmare, the whole thing. People are calling it the “Night of the Long Knives” now. On the streets, everywhere you turn there is propaganda for the Nazis; there is no escape now. That uncertain feeling I had when first encountering Hitler a few years ago is a definite feeling of dread now. I feel such sorrow for all the Jewish population here; God knows what will happen to them now. One of Majahem’s great friends is Jewish, and he was thinking about coming to Germany a while ago to study art . . . I am so thankful now that Majahem convinced him to stay home. It takes a strong will to live here now and resist the propaganda that the Nazis are trying to drill into everyone’s minds. I really wish that we had gone to Greece instead.

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