Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Start of an Odyssey

Today is the day I turn my life around. For years I have felt ... really sad ... because of the Depression here in Michigan. It isn't easy, being a student in these times. If I have to eat beans and toast for one more breakfast, lunch or dinner, I think I might set fire to my apartment building. Anyways.

A word about good ol' Auntie Mabel. She was a wonderful woman; she enjoyed knitting by the fireplace, adopted stray kittens and baked deliciously chewy cookies on a regular basis. I suppose it did come as a bit of a shock to me when she told me, in her last hours, that she was on a first-name basis with Al Capone and had been making money off of illegal alcohol sales since Prohibition came into effect. I never did pick her out as a gangster, but she was still such a cute and loving little old lady. It wasn't her fault that she mixed up her daily dose of cough medicine with the "Soda Pop Moon" she was meant to have delivered to another unsuspecting victim. Poor old Auntie Mabel. That was one phone call I will never forget.

Mabel left me everything she had, including 32 cats which are now effectively stinking up my small apartment. But she left me more than just her money...with that she bestowed on me a passport to see the world, to find out who I really am, just as Mabel wanted. And so, dear readers, this journal is intended to be an inspiration to you all, in these distressing times.

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